Rotten Day in Heaven. Some Body Has to Do It So It Might As Well Be Us!"
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2017 Winter Events &
Activities Bulletin Board
You can view the fun events of the 2016
Summer by Clicking (HERE)
The 2017 ski season was strange with the weather
changing almost every week from warm to cold. Our friends at Mountian
Creek did a great job keeping snow on the slopes. We tracked our ski days again this ski season.
The results are noted below:
Ski Season
Hidden Valley Club now NWAC*
Mountain Creek
Away from the Mountain
Total Days on Snow
3 Mt. Peter
& 3 Waterville Valley
62 (ugh)
1 Belleayre
1 Camelback
* Hidden Valley Club is
now called The National Winter Activity Center & is closed to
public skiing. ** a new on snow record!
* With 11 inches of new snow at the Waterville Valley Ski Resort in New
Hampshire, we could not resist making the trip north for some quality
end of season skiing. It was worth the trip. Day 1 beautiful
spring skiing; Day 2 4 inches of fresh powder to allow us to develop our
powder skiing skills and Day 3 beautiful courdoroy for some final cruise
The visit was made even more special by meeting a young
Mexican artist (and bartender), Memo, who provided us with
excellent food and adult beverages and introduced us to the mural art he
had painted the Mexican resturant. Check out additonal photos of
his art work by clicking HERE.
Buffy & John
in the 11 inches of new snow & Mount Tecumsah in the background
Buffy, John &
new friend Memo who
painted the beauriful mural in the backgound
* An excellent ski season ended with a splash at Mountain Creeek on
Saturday March 24th with the annual Pond Skimming Competition, and the
Adaptive Sports Program at Mountain Creek got in some end of the season
training to be ready to provide some special atheletes with the
opportunity to join in the fun on the slopes next ski season.
Rich, Bonnie, John & Buffy pose for photo
with ski buddy Bill, prior to his duo pond skim.
The Adaptive Sports at Mountain Creek team
train under the watchful eye of John Swartwood & Buffy
* March 17th - St. Patrick's Day - celebrated by Buffy and John on the
slopes of Mountain Creek. It was day 89 of skiing at the Creek and
a beutiful "Blue Bird" day of skiing with friends in green.
Buffy & John celebrate St. Patrick's Day at
the Creek. Day 80 of skiing this season
* March 14th - Buffy's Birthday! That means John makes the
Birthday Cake and romantic dinner. Mother Nature presented Buffy
with a special Buffy Birthday Blizzard, over 2 feet of snow. We
covered the cars. Skiing should be great tomorrow.
A special cake for a SPECIAL Buffy Birthday made by John
We could not resist taking a pre-birthdaty bite of delicious
Bday Cake
Snow is falling and the cars are getting buried
Peeling off the car cover made cleaning the snow off of the car
Start of Buffy's Birthday Blizzard at 9:30 AM - over 20"
The end of Buffy Birthday Blizzard 2 PM approximatley 25"
* We had to ski the day before Buffy's Birthday, but Mountain Creek was
closed. So we visited a small ski area called Mt. Peter just outside
of Warwick, NY 35 minutes away. It was a fun day with our ski
buddies, Rich and Bonnie Calak and Mark. Needless to say it was fun.
Buffy, John, Rich, Bonnie & Mark on the top
of Mt. Peter ready to do another run. We did 31 runs on this beautiful day on the slopes.
* Skiing remains fun as we move toward March. Buffy and friend Richard show good form as they ski down the Great Northern and Matchmaker slopes at Mountain Creek in late February.
Buffy & Richard skiing
Great Northern & Match Maker at Mountain Creek
Note: To view the video again right click on mouse and click on "PLAY".
As we moved toward March the "spring-like" weather with temperatures reaching
into the low 70s had a quick impact on the snow causing the shrinkage of skiable
terrain and the closing of slopes. We took a pause in our skiing to give
recognition to some of our friends who work at the mountain in lift operations
and slope safety and to enjoy an adult beverage or two to toast the mountain. To read the Advertiser News article click HERE.
Buffy & John with our ski buddies, members of the lift ops and mountain
safety staff
Buffy & John toast the mountain with ski buddies & favorite waitresses
The blizzard of February 9, 2017 dumped 15 inches of snow on Hidden Valley as
proved by our Snow Man. Our car covers made it easy to remove the snow
after the snow fall allowing us to go skiing for our 54th time this season.
Our snowman snow fall measuer shows the amount of snow fall on February
The snowman shows we got 15 inches of snow
Buffy shows our cars covered with our "snow shields" to maek clean up
Yes it is a lot easier to clean off the snow with the "snow shield"
One of the rewards from skiing is the views
that come from the lift. The photos below were taken by our ski buddy
Richard and captured the bank of fog that covered the valley below the ski
slopes. It was another rotten day in heaven.
Buffy & John ride on the cab with fog covering the valey. Photo
by Richard
Photo by Richard of the fog in the Vernon Valley below the Mountain
Creek slopes.
The fun continues on the slopes and after at
apre ski. Skiing with Rich & Bonnie and their children, Katie, Casey and
Casey's significant other Nicole at Scully's Tavern following skiing January 19,
Buffy & John with friends Bonnie & Richard with their kids, Katie &
Casey and Nicole
It's fun to share the joy of skiing with family and friends. That is
what we did on Saturday, January 7th when nephew Mark Dupre Jr. and neice "Micki
Lynn" visited, stayed overnight and skied at Mountain Creek. It was
another rotten day in heaven!
Buffy, Mark, MickiLin, & John on the Sugar Lift at Mountain Creek
MickiLin & John on the lift at the Sugar Slope at Mountain Creek
Buffy and John continued a Christmas tradition of giving the lift operators at
Mountain Creek cookies in appreciation for their friendship and the work they do
to make the ski season fun.
Our friends at the Cabrolet Lift recieve Xmas Cookies
Buffy gives "Grumpy" something to smile about.
Our Chile buddy at the Sugar Lift gets cookies too.
We kicked off the 2016-2017 Ski Season at Mountain Creek on Wednesday,
December 14th, 24 days earlier than last year. We were again given the
honor of riding the first chair (this year 1st Cab) to open the mountain. An article about our opening of Mountain Creek was posted on the Advertiser News website. To read the article click HERE. It was fun seeing our ski buddies and our friends who work at the Creek again.
We are looking forward to a GREAT 2017 ski season.
Buffy & John open Mountain Creek ski season with ski buddies.
Buffy & John with Mountain Creek friends and Lift Ops staff.